The solar system
The sun and all the celestial bodies that orbit it from the solar system. The solar system contains nine planets and their satellites.
Our solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy.
The sun:
The sun is a star; it gives off heat and light. It appears yellow and is made up of gases. The sun is very big. It is bigger than all the planets in the solar system put together. It is more than a million times bigger than earth.
However, the sun is not particularly large for a star. It looks bigger than other stars because it is nearer to earth.
Earth receives heat and light from the sun. Earth is exactly the right distance from the sun for life to be possible here. If earth were nearer to the sun, the heat would burn us. If earth were father away, the cold would make life here impossible.
Planets and satellites:
Nine planets revolve around the sun. The path these planets take around the sun is called their orbit.
*mercury: is much smaller than earth. Mercury has the shortest orbit around the sun
*Venus: is similar in size to earth, it is the brightest planet. Its surface has the highest temperatures.
Earth: is the only planet in the solar system to here there is life.
Mars: is an intense red color, it is full of craters and volcanoes. Some of these volcanoes are bigger than any mountain on earth
Jupiter: is the biggest planet I the solar system. T has a red pot on its surface.
Saturn: is surrounded by thousands of rings are made up of millions of small particles.
Uranus: Have characteristics blue-green color.
Neptune: is one on farthest planets from the sun, it is blue
Pluto: is the smallest planet. It is the farthest planet from the sun which is why it is also the coldest planet.
All the planets in the solar system except mercury and Venus have satellites the moo is earth’s only satellite.
The movements of earth
Earth’s constantly moving like all the planets in the solar system earth orbits the sun. It also rotates constantly.
-rotation: earth rotates on a imaginary axis.This axis crosses earth from the north pole to the south pole.
earth take 24 hours to make rotation.This are the 24 hours in a day. rotation produces the sequence of day and night.
revolution: earth also orbits the sun. earth takes about 365 days to complete one revolution around the sun.these are the 365 in a year.every fourth years has an extra day. these are leap years