The environment
All living things and the characteristics of the area where they live (temperature, humidity, soil etc…) from the environment.
A plant or animal can only survive in certain environment. Every living thing needs to live in a specific type of place. However people have adapted to beable to live anywhere.
Our environment is the whole planet
Environmental problems:
Environmental problems cause damage to the environment. They harm living things and their habitat.
The main environmental problems are:
1. Pollution: the accumulation of harmful substances on the ground, in the air and in the water causes pollution. These substances harm living things.
2. Deforestation: is the disappearance of forests. Cutting down too many trees, pollution and fires all cause deforestation.
3. Desertification: is the transformation of some landscapes into desert areas. The soil becomes very dry and poor. Few living things can survive in these areas.
4. Habitat loss: occurs when natural areas are destroyed to make room for housing or industry. Habitat loss can also occur because of deforestation or desertification.
5. Excessive development, hunting, fires and other actions can use the extinction of living things.
1. Reduce pollution.
2. Avoid cutting down wild trees for wood.
3. Outlaw the hunting of animals.
4. Protect specific natural areas.
Class work
Explain these sentences by giving examples:
• A specific area ecosystem.
• There is a connection between all the living things in an ecosystem.
• Different living things occur in different areas.
• Changes to an area affect the animals and plants that live there.
What effects can each of these human actions have on the environment?
• and the living and nonliving things found there from and
• Putting polluted water into the ocean.
• Creating protected natural areas.
• Building a new road.
• Outlawing the hunting of specific animals
Because in the ecosystem if there are living beings and nonliving creatures. for example: plants, animals, stones and more.
I think because there is nothing if not living in an ecosystem.If clear affects animals and living things because their habitat is no longer the same.
if for the living and the things we have not even found in many different areas.
if animals are used unclear why living in a very different climate
if we place in the sea water contaminated animals may die because the previous water was not polluted.